Auditory Processing Disorder (APD): A Comprehensive Guide for Parents
Does your child struggle to follow conversations, remember instructions, or focus in noisy environments? These could be signs of Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), a neurological condition often mistaken for other learning challenges. This comprehensive guide explains what APD is, how it impacts learning, and how to get your child diagnosed and supported.
Is it Possible to Avoid Learning Struggles?
As parents, we all dream of seeing our children flourish and reach their full potential. But did you know that the foundation for lifelong learning is often laid through playful activities in the early years? One question I get asked often as an early childhood learning specialist is: "Can I help my child avoid learning struggles as they get older?"
Dr. Jane Healy, a renowned expert on brain development and learning, emphasizes the crucial role of play in fostering cognitive skills, social-emotional development, and a love of learning, even before jumping into explicitly teaching reading.
5 Surprising Signs that your Child Might have Learning Difficulties
Do you know these 5 surprising signs to look for? While information about spotting learning difficulties is getting easier to find, these 5 signs are still MAJORLY underrated.
Dyslexia and Math: Can Dyslexia Cause Math Struggles?
Many parents recognize that their child who has a diagnosed or suspected reading difference (like Dyslexia) also seems to have a hard time memorizing math facts, recognizing signs — maybe they add instead of subtract —, and even remembering sequencing like days of the week and money. Well, you're in the right place and you're not crazy! We dive into "Is there Dyslexia in Math?" and Dyscalculia.
Could My Child Have Dyslexia or Another Learning Disability?
When is it time to take the next step: What grades, screenings, and evaluations can measure.